Author: Christopher Scruggs
ISBN 978-1-63868-190-8 (softcover) $17.95;
978-1-63868-189-2 (eBook) $9.99
312 pages
Illumined by Wisdom and Love: Essays on a Sophio-Agapic Constructive Postmodern Political Philosophy is a constructive, postmodern, critical, and realistic look at the fundamental structures of a political philosophy derived from Charles Sanders Peirce's seminal work and the stream of American pragmatism and process-oriented thought that emerged from it. It emphasizes the importance of creating and sustaining community and dialogue in the political process.
G. Christopher Scruggs is retired from practicing law and Christian ministry. Under his own name, he is the author of Centered Living/Centered Leading: The Way of Light and Love Rev. Ed. (2016), Path of Life: Wisdom Literature for Christ-Followers (2016), Salt & Light: Everyday Evangelism (2017) and Crisis of Discipleship: Renewing the Art of Relational Disciple-Making Rev. Ed. (2024). As Alystair West (pen name), he is the author of two novels, Marshland and Peace at Battle Mountain. His novels reflect both his legal and ministerial experience.
Chris has an undergraduate degree in philosophy from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas (1973), a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin (1976), in Austin, Texas, a Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia (1994), and a Doctors of Ministry Degree from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky (2004). He practiced law for fifteen years (1976-1991) and has been a Minister of the Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church since 1994.
He and his wife live in San Antonio, Texas. They have four grown children and a growing number of grandchildren. They enjoy golf, traveling, and meeting new people along the “path of life.”
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