Crisis of Discipleship

Author: Christopher Scruggs

ISBN 978-1-63868-056-7 (softcover) $13.95;
978-1-63868-057-4 (eBook) $5.99

170 pages

Crisis of Discipleship analyzes the causes of the current decline of Christian faith in the West and proposes a response by faith communities that is both Biblical and grounded in historic Christian faith.

Chris Scruggs graduated from the University of Texas School of Law-Austin in 1976 and practiced law in Houston Texas from 1976 until 1991. He entered the full-time ministry after graduating from Union Theological Seminary in Richmond Virginia. He has a Doctor of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary. Chris has authored several books while in ministry in the area of leadership and disciple-making. Crisis of Discipleship draws upon his years of pastoral experience.

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