Thanks for your interest in our softcover publishing packages. Please note that we have a separate pricing schedule for our hardcover packages. Or, if you prefer both, we have special rates on our combination packages. And don't forget to look at our full color packages.
If you truly want to have your book available in as many formats as possible, you may want to consider our electronic publishing package as well!

Level A: Includes all of the standard services and one free book. The package includes a generic cover with an author photo and bio on the back. (The author may supply artwork for the cover as well, as long as the work is 300dpi or greater)
Level A Price: $360
Level B: Includes all of the standard services, Library of Congress number and three free books.
Level B Price: $440
Level C: Includes all of the standard services, Library of Congress number, five free books and professional cover.
Level C Price: $495
Level D: Includes all of the Level C services plus professional editing package for up to 75,000 words. Additional words are only .01 each.
Level D Price: $790
Level E: Includes all of Level D services, plus Bronze Marketing Package.
Level E Price: $1,110
Level F: Includes all of Level D services and the Silver Marketing Package.
Level F Price: $1,390
Level G: Includes all of Level D services and the Gold Marketing Package.
Level G Price: $1,950
(all Softcover packages have a $20 annual maintenance fee, with the first 2 years free)
Included in all POD Packages
- Softcover available on white or creme paper. Click here to see available trim sizes and paper choices.
- Page counts as low as 18 and many as 1200 pages.
- Electronic proof
- ISBN assignment (author can provide own ISBN and imprint at no additional charge)
- Copyright application instructions
- Book page in our online store
- Barcode
- 15 free internal graphics/images (must be submitted to specs)
- Data Backup
- Full Distribution
- Drop Shipment
- Book registration through, Barnes & Noble, Books in Print and many others
- 50% royalties of net receipts (Approximately 30-35% of cover price on paperbacks sold through us!)
- Monthly Sales Report
- Author may purchase first order of his/her softcover edition for 50% off list price (subsequent orders at least 30% off list, but discount increases with larger orders)
Available Add-Ons:
- Many add-ons are available and can be found on our additional services page.
- Add an ebook to your package for only $99 for black and white interior or $150 for color interior.
What is in the Marketing Packages?
Bronze Marketing Package: $400 (if purchased separately). Includes professional press release, 100 four-color business cards, and a personal storefront for two years.
Silver Marketing Package: $700 (if purchased separately). With this package, we will write a press release and send it to over 200 media outlets and send review copies of your book to at least 10 major reviewers. You will also get a Personal Storefront for two years and 100 four-color business cards.
Gold Marketing Package: $1,300 (if purchased separately). This package includes a professional press release written and distributed to over 200 media outlets, review copies of your book sent to at least 15 major reviewers, a Personal Storefront for two years, placement in Ingram's Advance Magazine, 500 four-color post cards, 500 business cards and 500 2X6" book markers.
Trim Sizes