Author: Marc Rivera
ISBN 978-1-63868-062-8 (softcover)
28 pages
In his new offering, author Marc Rivera explores how friendships can be made in the most unexpected circumstances. All children, whether on the spectrum or not, will benefit from his delightful tale of "Once Upon A Dog."
Marc Rivera was born in New York in 1981. As a person with Asperger Syndrome, he is inspired to write about autism to share his own experiences, his vision and hope for understanding of people of all ages in the autism spectrum.Marc is the author of "Tears of Pain: My Life with Autism" (April 2013), a condensed, elementary-school reading level version of his journals. The Spanish version, "Lagrimas de Dolor: Mi Vida con Autismo," was published in 2014.As part of his "Kids Living with Autism Collection," Marc also authored two previous children's books: "Life Can Be A Piece of Cake," where he highlights how kids in the spectrum need good friends and can be good friends in return, as well as "Music to My Ears (2018)," his personal story told through a boy's eyes, of how music made a difference in his life.
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