Author: Don T. Phillips
ISBN 978-1-63868-171-7 (softcover)
224 pages
Jesus Christ had come to Jerusalem for the Jewish Feast of Passover. This would be the last week of His earthly Ministry. As was His custom, He had been teaching and healing in Herod's Temple each day. As this day was ending, He and His apostles exited the City. As He looked back at the magnificent Temple, He said: There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down (Matthew 24:2). His apostles were stunned as they quietly crossed the Kidron Valley. They were then seated on the Mt. of Olives, and the following questions were asked of Him: Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? As they sat and wondered what His response would be, Jesus began to answer these questions in what is now called The Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25).
Christ did not reveal when the Temple would be destroyed, but His response to the last two questions is the most comprehensive overview that can be found in the Holy Scriptures outside the Book of Revelation. The Olivet Discourse contains a description of His second advent, three Parables (The Wise and Foolish Virgins, The parables of the Fig Tree and the Talents), and one Judgment (The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats).
Matthew 24 and Matthew 25 will be carefully examined and discussed in this eight-chapter book. The words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24-25 must support and parallel those revealed in the Book of Revelation. Cross-reference and parallel discussions will be presented and explained as appropriate. The Olivet Discourse is critical to the understanding of ends-time events and the second advent of Jesus Christ. This book should provide a deeper understanding of The Second Coming of Christ, and is mandatory reading for all students of Old Testament and New Testament prophecies.
Don T. Phillips is the author of 14 Bible study books and is a student of end-time Prophecy. He is a lay preacher and has taught Bible Study Groups for over 50 years. He is a member of the Faith Outreach Center in Navasota, Texas, a non-denominational, Bible-based Church.
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