Author: Ron Wootters
ISBN 1589399358 (softcover)
108 Pages
Projects take the clandestine anti-terrorist group to Lebanon, Pakistan, South America, the Island of Crete and the U.S.-Mexican Boarder. This time the Team and Board take on Projects that involve WMDs and hitting the terrorist network in their most vital area.
Action and suspense fill every chapter and peaks when the group have to fight for their very existence.
This is the fourth book Virtualbookworm.com has published for Ron. All of the main characters he introduced in his first three books, "Surgeons Of Terror", "Their Agency Fathers" and "Surgeons Of Terror II" can also be found in "SOT 3".
Knowledge and experience acquired while being privileged to serve in the U.S. Marine Corps and the Central Intelligence Agency helped Ron Wootters write these fictional novels. Ron lives in New Jersey with his wife Rosemary.
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