Author: Don T. Phillips
ISBN 978-1-62137-946-1 (hardcover)
148 Pages
The written record of a Great flood that inundated the earth is found in almost every recorded history of ancient nations. The Biblical record of the Hebrew Nation contains the story of how God decided to destroy the world that He had created with a deluge of rain that would cover the whole earth. He instructed a man of God called Noah to build a great ark which would be used to save Noah, his family and a remnant of the animal kingdom from death and destruction. The story of Noah and the ark is monumental in scope, and stands as an object lesson for all who would turn away from God and ignore His Holy commands. This book is a detailed story of Noah and the ark and how God in His mercy saved mankind from annihilation. The Exodus account of Noah and the ark is studied in great detail and examined to determine its duration, scope and purpose. Noah's ark is also a shadow and type of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The typology of the ark and its meaning to Christians today is revealed and presented. The duration of the great flood and the sequence of remarkable events which occurred is presented following the Holy Records. This is a book which will be of great interest to every Christian and also is ideally suited for a biblical study for large or small groups.
Don T. Phillips is a teacher of the word and a long time student of prophecy. He believes in the inerrancy of scripture, and the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Don has taught Sunday School classes for over 30 years. He is currently a Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas and a member of Aldersgate United Methodist Church.
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