Inspire Today's Journey

Author: Douglas N. Petersen

ISBN 978-1-62137-639-2 (softcover)

ISBN 978-1-62137-640-8 (eBook)

466 pages

Three hundred and sixty nine wonderful, thought-provoking messages to help us with our journey. Our journey is just that, ours, but Petersen gives us inspiring words to make each day of our journey special. Focusing on our core values, Doug ignites the passion within each of us. Each day we face challenges and decisions, and his daily inspiring words help us with each step. His fourth and fifth books were gold medal award winners in the Global Ebook, inspirational/visionary non-fiction category.


Inspirational thought leader, inspirational/motivational speaker, and award-winning author, Doug Petersen is a decorated Vietnam veteran and having served more than twenty years as an aviator in the United States Army, Doug continued to serve others by working in the financial services industry, helping families with their financial security.

Like many, his journey has not always been smooth sailing. An addiction to alcohol for many years took over his life and the defects of character consumed him, pushing aside the personal values that are so important. This changed on July 11, 2001, when he placed recovery as his first priority and the reawakening his personal values within his heart and soul.

Today he continues to take deep-seated passion in making a difference in the lives of others through his life-affirming messages, and is fulfilling his life's purpose by inspiring people into action. Author of six enlightening, thought-provoking books, Doug's words reaffirm the good in all of us.

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