The Pipeline: A Picture of Homebuilding Production - Second Edition

Author: Fletcher Groves

ISBN 978-1-62137-804-4 (Hardcover)

260 Pages

The Pipeline: A Picture of Homebuilding Production - Second Edition is the story of how RB Builders’ cross-functional production team painstakingly learned the principles of home-building production in the turbulent years following the end of the period known as the “Age of Homebuilder Entitlement.” It is a story told in the exchanges of dialog between team members, senior management, and RB Builders’ trusted, results-based advisor/partner. 

The result is a deep understanding of a production system with an enduring visual image, the elements of which are crafted to the specific conditions, requirements, and parameters of the home-building industry, and a realization that improving performance on the velocity side of the ROA equation is the best path a homebuilder has to achieving sustainable competitive separation. 

The Pipeline is about the specific application of underlying principles and disciplines of production that are otherwise universal - physics rooted in the laws that govern all production systems. The book is about using the tools that work for homebuilding production, without regard to the consulting religion from which they come. The Pipeline makes the inherent, inviolable, real, and measurable connection between operating performance and business outcomes. It makes clear the requirement that production must be managed as a system. 


Fletcher Groves, III has more than 30 years’ experience in commercial banking, in residential real estate sales, development, and construction, and in management consulting. He has owned and managed his own development and award-winning home-building companies, as well as worked for Arthur Rutenberg Homes.

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