Author: Salvatore Gencarelle
ISBN 978-1-60264-939-2 (softcover)
ISBN 978-1-60264-940-8 (eBook)
232 pages
"A Man Among the Helpers" is the unique story of one man's journey into the incredible world of Native American Spirituality. The author was an outsider, raised in modern society but was still welcomed with open arms into this ancient way of life. For 17 years he was taught the healing practices of the Lakota that can be traced back to the very foundations of the Earth. He was educated in these traditions and then expected to fully explain these concepts to the ceremonial participants.
This book describes the mentoring process, the Native American concepts, the philosophies and actual ceremonies from a modern perspective. The power of the medicine wheel, the power of prayer, the responsibility of mankind, the sacred gifts to human beings, and the "most important thing to know" are included in this book!
"A Man Among the Helpers" is a continuation of the author's responsibility to preserve these ancient ways for all. Within the text great wisdom and teachings from the Grandfather Nation are preserved. The information contained here is for each person with the desire and heart to find their own Vision.
At the age of 15, Salvatore Gencarelle was called to walk the ceremonial path of healing and renewal and became an assistant to and Son-in-Law of a Native American Medicine Man from the Lakota Sioux Tribe, a descendant of Crazy Horse's Medicine Man, Chipps. Through his experience, Salvatore became a cultural bridge between indigenous ceremonial traditions and the modern world. During his training, he went through an intensive mentoring period that required both dedication and sacrifice for 17 years as a ceremonial guide, creator, singer, and mentor. It was through this process he earned the responsibility to pass these teachings on to all people.
Beside his education in traditional healing practices, Salvatore also works in the healing applications of the modern world as a Paramedic, with over 16 years of experience. He is also an artist, photographer, freelance writer, and a musician. At this time, Salvatore currently travels across the United States and the world teaching and helping others learn from his experience.
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