Author: Douglas N. Petersen
ISBN 978-1-62137-266-0 (softcover)
ISBN 978-1-62137-267-7 (eBook)
470 pages
Gold Medal Winner of the 2013 Global Ebook Awards for Inspirational/Visionary Non-Fiction!
Three hundred and sixty-nine, powerful, inspirational, thought-provoking messages are all in this one volume of life-affirming messages. This is the fifth in a series of books written by Doug Petersen in which he reaches out and touches the lives of thousands. A message for each day of the year plus a few extras for special occasions, each one focusing on a reawakening of the goodness that is within each of us. His fourth book, Inspire: A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts, was the 2012 Global Ebook winner for Inspirational/Visionary Non-fiction.
Amazon Five-Star reviews of his previous books include:
If you are looking for something to spark your passion or create a well of inspiration, then BUY THIS BOOK! ~ LeeAnne.
The Author has great insight into the powerful meaning of values. ~ Maggie
His words make you step back and think for a moment - are you being kind enough, caring enough and loving enough to each other, including oneself. ~ TammyL
Doug has a special gift that he has chosen to share with the rest of us. His uncanny insight and uplifting thoughts and words are an inspiration to all who read this book. ~ Suzanne M.
You can tell that Doug has been to dark places in his life but chooses to live in a world of positivity (is that a word? if it isn't I just made it up) and light. He talks about treating other human beings with respect and compassion and not judging others. ~ J. D. Souza “Author”
What a wonderful way to start my day! I think this book is appropriately titled. It does indeed inspire. It not only gives you pause for thought; it is engaging, allowing you to move forward with that inspiration. ~ Rose C.
Inspirational Speaker and Author, Doug Petersen is a decorated Vietnam veteran and having served more than twenty years as an aviator in the United States Army, Doug continued to serve others by working in the financial services industry, helping families with their financial security.
Like many, his journey has not always been smooth sailing. An addiction to alcohol for many years took over his life and the defects of character consumed him, pushing aside the personal values that are so important. This changed on July 11, 2001, when he placed recovery as his first priority and the reawakening his personal values within his heart and soul.
Today he continues to take deep-seated passion in making a difference in the lives of others through his life-affirming messages, and is fulfilling his life’s purpose by inspiring people into action. Author of five enlightening, thought-provoking books, Doug’s words reaffirm the good in all of us.
You can contact Doug at doug@inspirevalues.com or visit his website, www.inspirevalues.com.
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