Author: David Saville Muzzey
ISBN 978-0-9897323-7-6 (softcover)
296 pages
Why are we here? What is the good life? More than ever today, many people are searching for a religious belief that will answer these persistent questions and yet do no violence to their intellectual and humanistic convictions. It is to these seekers, numbering in the millions, that David Muzzey's book is addressed. Republished now after the final closing of his long, vigorous career at 95, "Ethics as a Religion" is a clear and persuasive guide for those who have found the formal religions unsatisfying. Ethical Culture is the centerpost of Dr. Muzzey's book. Out of his long association with that movement, including many years as one of its Leaders, he weighs the ethical content of Christianity and other world faiths, comparing them with the Ethical fellowship and setting forth what he calls "a religion for adults" - one that seeks to bring out the best in men in their day-to-day relationships.
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