Holly Would

Author: Phillips Wylly

ISBN 978-1-951985-49-3 (hardcover)

364 pages

They met at Nicodels, unofficial commissary for RKO and Paramount.

Holly: A Beauty Contest Winner from Passaic, N.J.

Todd: An ice skater from Penticton, Canada.

Each with a dream of movieland success.

But can dreams and reality ever come together?

Maybe. With help from an unexpected source … the secret ties between the worlds of entertainment and organized crime.

Maybe, just maybe…


Phillips Wylly smiles when he hears the old line, "show business is my life."

But for him, it has really been true.

Fifty years as a producer, director, production exec and now author, he brings to this novel an insight into the world of Hollywood as it once was.

Type: books

Vendor: Phillips Wylly

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